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Township Supervisors Prepare For Pennsylvania’s New Drilling Law

Aside from the drillers them­selves, there's prob­a­bly no group of peo­ple more impacted by Pennsylvania's new natural gas drilling law, Act 13, than town­ship super­vi­sors. The new impact fee will inject hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars into their munic­i­pal bud­gets. Statewide zon­ing stan­dards will either increase or scale back town­ships' drilling reg­u­la­tions, depend­ing on how robust their exist­ing local ordi­nances are.

Town­ship super­vi­sors got the oppor­tu­nity to ask Department of Environmental Protection and Public Utility Commission offi­cials about the new leg­is­la­tion, dur­ing a ses­sion at the Penn­syl­va­nia Town­ship Super­vi­sors Association's annual con­fer­ence in Hershey.

Read the entire story at the website of our partner StateImpact Pennsylvania.