Spring is here and so is allergy season.
With COVID-19 still around, the symptoms can be confusing.
Dr. Robert Zemble with Allentown Asthma and Allergy says there are a few specific symptoms to look out for.

“If you’re thinking of allergies as opposed to COVID, you wouldn’t expect itchy eyes. If you’re thinking of symptoms that are unique to COVID or other infections – the first thing you’d say is fever,” said Zemble, who serves as the division chief of allergy at Lehigh Valley Health Network.
Zemble adds that people are not likely to get body aches and chills due to allergies. But when in doubt, he recommends getting a COVID test.
“We have good treatments for COVID now, so get a test early – there’s very good treatments that could prevent you from being hospitalized and having severe outcomes,” said Zemble.
He also recommends thinking about your exposure level.
“If you’ve been in the park all day during peak tree pollen season – and you start to get symptoms – that’ll kind of point you in one direction or the other,” said Zemble.
Zemble also says the allergies that may be impacting people most right now are trees and grass.
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