Pittsburghers are all too familiar with the smell of sulfur dioxide emissions, but it's invisible. Now, residents can get a better visual of how air…
Pittsburgh's Commission on Human Relations wants to be "proactive" in handling issues like housing discrimination, gentrification, evictions and…
Some Allegheny County residents use a smartphone app to report foul smells in their communities, and a new version of that app is now available to the…
Millions Are Affected By Cooking Fire Smoke Each Year. Researchers Hope A Small, Cheap Fan Will HelpIn many developing countries, families routinely cook on open fires, often in poorly ventilated homes. According to the World Health Organization, the…
If you want an update on air quality, look no further than your smartphone.CREATE Lab, a program of Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute, and…
Since 2004, the amount of radon present in Pennsylvania air has steadily increased -- an increase that our guest Dr. Joan Casey notes began the same year…
Since 2004, the amount of radon present in Pennsylvania air has steadily increased -- an increase that our guest Dr. Joan Casey notes began the same year…
It’s a conversation heard around countless dinner tables or on the way home. What did you do at school today? The answer most often is nothing or "I don’t…
Anyone can travel through 100 years of income history of 29 countries thanks to a new website created at Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE…