In light of a preliminary injunction against the Biden Administration's vaccine mandate for health care workers, only Allegheny Health Network and the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System will continue to require vaccinations.
In the first 24 hours the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was available for those under 12, parents and guardians signed up about 10,000 kids with UPMC. That’s according to hospital officials. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially approved the vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 earlier this week.
More than 70% of Pennsylvania adults are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. But it might take a while before the entire state passes this mark. That’s because less than half of adolescents are fully vaccinated.
Though they comprise 41% of Pennsylvania's population, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated residents account for 74% of the state's hospitalizations.
Once-a-week COVID-19 testing can cost more than $6,000 a year.
Some states like New York and Maine are mandating that all health care workers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. But Pennsylvania is leaving that decision up to individual medical providers.
Pennsylvania health care providers are turning their attention to harder to reach populations, including Amish and conservative Mennonite communities living in more rural parts of the state. Health care providers say they are adjusting their strategies and working with church groups to encourage people to get vaccinated.